Amazon Barcodes Explained – FBA Product Codes: FNSKU, UPC, GS1

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Amazon is a global marketplace that offers an ever-increasing inventory of products. Every item has its own unique barcode and it’s these codes that Amazon uses to track your orders, delivery times, customer service issues and more.

The “how to change from manufacturer barcode to amazon barcode” is a question that has been asked many times before. This article will explain the process and how to do it in an easy step by step guide.

What exactly is GS1?


One thing to keep in mind is that Global Standard 1 is in charge of the UPC code assignment and inventory procedure. The objective is that GS1 provides worldwide trade item numbers to businesses. Manufacturer barcodes such as ISBN, JAN, EAN, UPC, and GCID are all given by the GS1 since they are the ones that offer them to businesses. To guarantee that everything functions properly, it’s critical to establish a nonprofit organization that sets and maintains this worldwide standard.

What is the best way to get your own UPC code?

The first approach is to get the UPC straight from GS1. To do so, you’ll need to get a GS1 corporate prefix license. The prefix might be anything between 7 and 10 digitals long. The 6 digit ones are the most common, but you may make it as long as you like. You’ll get the UPC business prefix when you license the company prefix, and the other digits will correspond to very particular goods.

Because you’ll be keeping something for a long time, check sure the UPC code meets your requirements. To give the highest value and outcomes, you must think in terms of growth. If your business grows faster than expected, you may always acquire a new company prefix. It’s still a good idea to think about it ahead of time so you can prevent any possible complications that may arise in a circumstance like this.


After you’ve established the business prefix, you’ll need to assign unique numbers to each product. That is why you are being asked how many goods you currently have. GS1 will provide you with a set of digits to use in order to make everything operate properly. GS1 will provide you a digital copy of the UPC, which you may attach to the box.

Fees are determined by the requirements of the company. The cheapest option is $250, with the prefix costing $250 each year. This only buys 10 UPC codes; multiply by the number of codes you want.

If you want to make sure you pay less than what GS1 requires, getting third-party UPCs might be a smart option. Most of the time, they will work on Amazon, but there may be some complications from time to time, so be careful where you got these barcodes.

FNSKU barcodes on Amazon


The MKSU, FNSKU, and ASIN are all valid Amazon barcodes for merchants. The FNSKU is exclusively used on Amazon, and you can acquire it by logging in, heading to Manage Inventory, and then selecting Print Item Labels. Amazon will produce Amazon Barcodes in the form of a FNSKU code at that time. You may choose the format, amount of labels to print, and other options. It might be printed on the packaging or applied with a sticker. Both alternatives are excellent and will quickly meet your requirements.

What many of UPCs will you require?

The most important thing to remember is that Amazon Barcodes are required for both the product and its variants. So, whether you have differences in height, weight, color, or anything else, you must account for it as well. As a consequence, you may need 15-20 or more barcodes, one for each variant, rather than a single barcode. If you wish to buy a barcode from an untrustworthy source, you may verify it yourself in the GS1 database. This eliminates any concerns that may arise.

If you wish to sell on Amazon, you’ll almost certainly need your own Amazon Barcodes. Thankfully, the procedure is simple and straightforward, and if followed correctly, it may provide excellent results. We strongly advise you to make or purchase Amazon FBA Barcodes right soon, since you will be unable to sell effectively on the marketplace without them!

How do I receive an Amazon Seller Central barcode?

To get started, go to the Label Products page:

  1. On the Shipping page, choose your package.
  2. Enter the number of goods you need labels for in the Items field.
  3. Click Print labels at the bottom of the page.
  4. You will get a pdf picture that you may submit to your provider.

Why do I need UPC codes for Amazon purchases?

Providing an EAN, UPC, or ISBN product identification to Amazon has become a standard element of the Amazon selling process. The FNSKU barcode is exclusive to Amazon and can only be used on this platform.


The “amazon barcode lookup” is a tool that allows users to search for the Amazon product code of an item. The codes are called FNSKU, UPC, and GS1.

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